Will of John Goodinowe (about 1535-1592/3)

Father of Thomas Goodynow

In the name of God Amen the xxiiii th day of November Anno Dni millimo quinqen MO septuagesimo tertio [1573] I John Goodinowe of the parrishe of Ebbesbone wake in the countie of Wiltes husbandman sicke in bodye but of good and pfict remembrance do ordayne and make this my laste will and testament in maner and forme folowinge ffirst I bequeaths my soule to Almygtie god my bodye to be buryed in the churcheyarde of Ebbesbone aforesaid And I gyve to the mother churche of Sare iiii d Item I geve to my prshe churche iiii d Item to the poore mens boxe iii d Item I geve and bequeaths to Willim my sonne one cubbard one yowkinge stone one quarter of mawlte one coverlett and one sheite Item I geve and bequeaths unto Thomas my sonne one quarter of mawlte one heiffer bullocke of ii yeares olde one coverlett and one sheete one brasse panne and one posnett also one coffer Item I geve and bequeaths unto Julyan my daughter one quarter of mawlte one cheast one coverlett one sheete one pewter platter one pottinger and one sawcer & one brasse panne w th one cauldron and also one skyllett And I will that thes legacies aforegeven be delyvered unto my said children at th aige of sixtenne yeares And if it fortune any of my said children to decease befor th aige of xvi yeares that then his or her porcion to remayne to the longest lyver of them The rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable my detts payed and my several chargs borne I geve and bequeaths unto margarett my wiffe whom I ordayne and make my sole executrix of this my last will and testament also I ordayne and appoynt willim Haykocke and Richard Wylkyns my overseers and I geve to each of the xii a pece
witnesses'John Rabette and nicholas Button w th other men

Probatio fuit testamentio supscripto Johis Goodinowe defunct [mx?] [unx?] mis

parsh De Ebbesbone wake j'urs Auchmalis Sars corad magro Johs James un legibus battall offi ii Dni Archini Sare sextimo die mense Januarii Anno Dni scem compitacoen etthe [ecche] Anglicane milimo quinqen MO sectuagesimo tercio At & im axxbat ec Comissq fuit & Executrixi ec inrat ec Calno in e 'Lcinisdg?] ec


 My email: dennis.goodno@gmail.com