Per Goodenow Family Association, Thomas was a "Husbandman".
Will of Thomas Goodynow [Father of Thomas, Edmond & John Sudbury Settlers]
[Md?] that uppon the twentith day of December in the yeare of or lord god 1617 according to the computacon of the Church of England Thomas Goody-now of Donhed St Andrews in the county of Wiltes and Dioces of Sarum being sik in body but of sound and pfect memory did by word or mouth delcare his Last will nuncupative as followeth vizt Imprimis hee did give and bequeath unto his three younaest children to witt Dorothey Edmund and Ursula to each of them xl s a peece to be paid unto them at the age of twenty yeares Itm hee gave and bequeathed unto his sonne Simon two sheepe Item he gave unto his sonnes Nathaniell and Thomas to Each of them one heifer bullock apeece to be delived unto them itm hee gave and bequeathed unto his sonnes Ralph and John to Each of them one heifer bullock and two sheepe apeece to be delived unto them at the purificacon of o r blessed lady the virgin mary next come two yeares The residue of his goods not given nor bequeathed hee gave unto ursula his wife whome hee made his whole & sole executrix And,appointed joseph Bower and Robert Button his ovseers to see this his will pfourmed witnesses to the [x t miss?] John Button minister Ralph Goodynow
probatum corani veneli viro henrico hungerford artium magco officii Dni Archui Sarum xix no martii 1617[Comssbas?] fuit et executrix ec (Colus bure cinnsting ?)./
[Will proved 19 March 1617][Our calendar - date would have been 19 March 16181
Inventory of Thomas Goodynow's Estate]
A trve and pfect Inventory of all the goods and chattels of Thomas Goodynow late while hee lived of Donhed St Andrew in the county of Wiltes deceased taken and praised by us John Button Clarck, Alexander Weekes Joseph Bower and John Compton the xi th day of ffebryary Anno Dni [buxta?] ec 1617 as followest vizt
Imprimis 20 Ruder beast at xliii [43]
Item five hourse beast at xvi E [161
Itm the cart & plow tackling iii E [3]
Itm the sheepe at xvii [17]
Itm three piggs at xxx s [30]
Itm the corne in the barne ix F 191
Itm the hay and vetches iiii [4]
Itm the Rede x s [10]
Itm the corne growing uppon
the ground x [10]
Itm the wood X,S [40]
Itm certaine goods at Ebestbone XI s [40]
Itm butter and cheese xvi s [16]
Itm the bacon xxx s [30]
Itm the pewter and brasse iii E iii s [3f- 3]
Itm the timber vessell IV s [551
.S ... d
Itm the Iron stuffe Vill [6s 8
Itm the bedding & Implements
that belong thereunto 1 [501
Itm two table bords & two coffers
one chest one cubbard one Chaire 'XX [201
and three stooles
Itm his weareing appell iiii E [41
Itm all the tooles of husbandry xiii s iiii d [13s 4 d
Itm fower stocks of bees xiii s iiii d ,3s 4 d
Itm the poultry iii s [3]
s ma folio Cxxv
parsh De Ebbesbone wake j'urs Auchmalis Sars corad magro Johs James un legibus battall offi ii Dni Archini Sare sextimo die mense Januarii Anno Dni scem compitacoen etthe [ecche] Anglicane milimo quinqen MO sectuagesimo tercio At & im axxbat ec Comissq fuit & Executrixi ec inrat ec Calno in e 'Lcinisdg?] ec
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